Board Member Elections
Greetings, Members of the Washington DC Society of the AIA!
It is time for the 2022 election of officers and members of the Board of Governors. Please be sure to cast your vote before the end of the day on April 10; the results will be announced at the business meeting before the lecture by Dr. Mazza on April 12.
In accordance with our Society's by-laws, all six officers serve annual terms (June-May) and so appear on this year’s ballot.
Three of the nine positions on the Board of Governors, each with three-year terms, also expire this year. A fourth position also appears on the ballot, to serve out the remainder of Stephanie Layton-Kim's term (to 2023) since Stephanie is now running for Assistant Secretary.
Brief bios of all the candidates have been circulated by email and can be found here. For each position on the ballot, you may cast your vote for a named candidate, or you may select the "write-in" option and enter the name of a candidate of your own choosing.
At the bottom of each page is a forward arrow button that you must use to move through the ballot. Once you advance past the last page of the ballot (which will be clearly marked as such), your ballot will be recorded.
The ballots are anonymous, and we ask you to please vote only once. Thank you!